Friday, 19 April 2013

The Corner Shop..

This is the corner shop on the High Street in Melbourne, it has recently opened for business and is lovely to have lots of wonderful fresh vegetables a few hundred yards from our house...

A selection of the vegetables that you can buy here.. they also sell eggs and milk..

This image was staged with studio lights and a white background, the camera was set on a tripod.

Canon 50d;  65mm; F/11; 1/125thsec.

These tomatoes are homegrown from the makeshift greenhouse in our back yard..they tasted abslolutely wonderful and we had lots to use up in all sorts of dishes that maisy prepared..
Photography: Natural daylight from window to left side. Canon 50d & tripod, 105mm, f/22, 1/13th sec.

One such dish was filled pasta with red pesto, toasted pine nuts and baby tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil... absolutely delicious..
On the photography front: Canon 50d handheld, 50mm, F/4.5, 1/80sec. on camera flash.

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